Federal firearms licensees are notorious for failing to recognize when they need a specialist to handle their specific, firearms- related legal and compliance issues. Instead, they rely on the local lawyer, or their trade group’s “experts” to save a penny. Many have analogized it to the patient who visits “his friend” the foot doctor to handle a brain tumor. Yet few FFL dealers across the United States can afford to retain full-time, firearms-specific legal counsel and compliance expert — like firearms manufacturers and distributors do — to educate them as to legal nuances to preserve their federal firearms license, to defend against lawsuits, and to insure the integrity of an ATF inquiry. Until now. As part of FFLGuard, you can enjoy having the power and protection of your own “general counsel” at your fingertips, at a fraction of the expense.
FFLGuard is a program directed by The Chiafullo Group, LLC (“the Group”), a law firm that serves as the National Coordinating Counsel for all FFLGuard clients (“the Program”). The group strategically aligns itself with other firearms-specific counsel, subject matter experts, and professionals across the country to aid in the common defense of federal firearms licensees. The collective experience gathered in FFLGuard is without comparison, as directed by Christopher M. Chiafullo, an attorney who has dedicated his practice to the defense of firearms manufacturers, distributors, dealers, trade groups and just about every FFL in the country for the last decade-and-a-half.
By paying a Yearly Fee, clients are afforded unlimited legal counsel and firearms compliance, and can quantify in advance what their tax year write off for “Best-In-Class” legal representation and compliance advisory will cost them. There is no substitute in experience or ability anywhere in the commercial sector, and public offerings by firearms trade groups fall into the category of “providing exactly what is paid for,” which isn’t necessarily a good thing.