The Gold-Standard for the Firearms Industry
Proactive & Reactive Solutions
Whether you are a brand new licensee or an experienced professional, FFLGuard‘s Program has all of the services you’ll need at cooperative, flat rates to ensure full access to our proactive and reactive solutions designed for every business type.

Attorney/Client Privilege at a Flat Fee
From the first day a client engages with FFLGuard, they are represented by the best firearms attorneys, subject matter experts and compliance specialists in the firearms industry. If a client ever finds their FFL at risk, they will already have over 500 years of collective experience on their side to aid them, without pesky invoices that reflect hourly billing.
Instant Access to a Roadmap for Success
The Law Plus Guidelines (“LPGs”) are FFLGuard’s proprietary “roadmap” of helpful hints based on legal precedent, professional advice, and proven experience. Each LPG is given a point value, and so long as the client meets a pre-determined LPG threshold, then that client qualifies for services inside the scope of their plan without any additional payment of fees.

Dedicated Defense Fund
FFLGuard provides protection during an ATF inspection, at the inspection’s closing conference, after the ATF inspection, during a warning conference and leading up to and during any revocation hearing and its appeals. The DDF also contributes to the legal defense necessary to shield clients from anti-gun groups who may seek to put them out of business.
ATF Audit Intervention Unit
Personnel will intervene and manage the ATF inspection process from start to finish.
Civil Litigation Defense Unit
Covers start-up expenses related to an anti-gun group filing a Civil Complaint that may call a client’s business practices into question.
Legal HelpDesk Access
Clients may access our HelpDesk 24/7 by telephone, e-mail or website for solutions from FFLGuard on any and all ATF or firearms-specific legal and compliance questions.
Comprehensive Q&A/FAQ Library
Current and relevant information about firearms-related topics that could impact a client’s FFL are kept in this exclusive area as delivered by FFLGuard counsel, shared only with select clients and unavailable to the general public.
Custom Guides and Pro-Forma Documents
PDF writable documents created by the FFLGuard team help clients deal with specific issues related to their FFL.
FFLGuard provides a specific team of support staff to help each client navigate the Program’s personnel and offerings.
Clients Only Calls
Each month you’ll be able to join our exclusive, client only webinars to hear the latest updates and industry compliance must knows as well as engage our experts with your questions and concerns.
Online Training Courses
Our training videos provide clients (and their staff) with an introduction to the world of firearms compliance, and tracks the student’s progress and understanding through a certification process that every client can follow online.
Exclusive eBlasts
Receive clients-only email updates to stay informed about current legal and firearms compliance related topics.
Document Sharing & Maintenance
Keep all of your ATF and other legal documents in one cloud location provided by FFLGuard for quick access and reference when you need it most.