Q: We currently log out guns in our handwritten bound book by the customers name and address. Are we required to also include the county in the address in our bound book? We have not been including the county in the address. All examples we can find do not show the county in the address. On the acquisition side we do not include the county either on used guns because we have no way of knowing the persons county because our state does not put the county on ID’s. We use a format such as 06-16-2018-01, 06-16-2018-02,etc. for the serial numbers on our 4473 forms. This format is the date for that day and then starting at number 1,2,3 etc. for the gun sold that day. Would that format be acceptable to use as a 4473 serial number numerically filed? If so is it allowable to change mid stream, so to speak, since we have been using name and address?
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