Q: We are currently going thru a company buy out where one of the responsible parties and managing members of the LLC is buying out the entire LLC. When this situation was mentioned to a IOI from the local ATF office during a new FFL application meeting for the RP/MM who is being bought out the IOI make statements that did not sound correct so we followed up on it and received additional information that sounds incorrect and we need assistance with the correct answer. The local IOI stated that the original applicant/RP can?t be removed from the FFL and that we must apply for a new license. This did not sound like correct information since the FFL was issued to a LLC and not in the RP/MM’s name, so we contacted FFLC to verify this information. FFLC stated the opposite of the local IOI, and informed us that we would NOT need to apply for a new license since the remaining RP/MM was purchasing the entire LLC to which the license was issued. We called back the local ATF office to verify that we had understood the original information the IOI provided, and the IOI was adamant that we MUST apply for a new license and that he had already spoken to his boss who confirmed we must. When presented with the information from the FFLC the IOI agreed to speak with FFLC and get back to us. After speaking to the FFLC the IOI called us back and changed his statement and is now telling us we can keep our existing license but we MUST apply for a new license when our current license expires. Does that make sense that we would have to get a new license or be forced to apply for a new one when our current license expires? With the story having already changed once we would like your advice and guidance on the matter.
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